Super Simple Headless CMS

Super Simple Headless CMS

I built this headless website-building CMS app to be exactly what it sounds like, a Super Simple Headless CMS! This website you're currently using is built and powered by it! If you have docker installed you can follow the link to the repo and follow the “Quick Start” guide to download it and start using it yourself.

Visit Norway

Visit Norway

I am currently the Lead Developer and Agile Scrum Master working for Simpleview Inc. supporting the award-winning (Visit Norway), the country of Norway's official tourism promotion website! I have been the Lead Developer for Visit Norway for 2+ years. The site receives over 15 million unique visitors a year. I lead a team of developers and customer experience professionals, constantly balancing a wide variety of stakeholders perspectives, concerns and needs to deliver an amazing website experience to the Innovation Norway team who owns and operates the site. Ask me more about my work leading development and support at Simpleview Inc. and Visit Norway!