I'm a passionate Software Professional with extensive full-stack engineering experience. My expertise is mainly in Node.js, React.js, Next.js, and MongoDB, but I have experience in Ruby on Rails as well as SQL. When I'm not coding professionally, I love to hike, read a good book, or play guitar. 

Technical Expertise









Other Technical Experience

Ruby On Rails






Soft Skills

Agile Methodology, using Agile/Lean principles to lead the team through Agile cadences while maximizing iterative value.


Servant Leadership, embodying the principle of servant leadership to build teams that consistently deliver extraordinary results.


Mentorship, meeting junior developers at where they are to help guide them forward.


Literacy, bringing a lifelong love of reading and writing to communicate with clarity, efficiency, compassion, understanding, and an inexhaustible desire to learn.


Sales Background, bringing an extra depth of understanding and tact to the delicate nature of client communications.


Perspective, using my years of travel to open my heart and mind to all kinds of people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures.



Project Management Philosophy

Under the principles of servant leadership, I connect with my team to empower them to deliver their best work while diligently identifying and removing roadblocks. I love project management for this reason, and when I lead teams, it's not if we're going to be successful, it's how successful we're going to be! All while having fun and mentoring my teams to grow professionally through one-on-one time and diligent, attentive review cycles.

Recent Work Experience

Lead Developer and Agile Scrum Master at Simpleview Inc. responsible for supporting visitnorway.com (Visit Norway)